Treat those nagging, uncomfortable tension knots with trigger point massage therapy
Relief for tension and discomfort that’s literally, on point!
You know the feeling. An aching hot spot between the shoulder blades. A tension headache that started with a tight neck and shoulders. Discomfort with a referral that seemingly spreads to other areas around that annoying tight spot that wont let up?
When receiving an RMT treatment you may notice that these tender, bumpy feeling spots are a littler “spicer” then other areas when getting a massage. Trigger points are a common source of pain and discomfort stemming from unhappy, tight muscles. Treatment of tension knots can feel like night and day relief of pain, restriction and improving the overall health of tissue.
So, what exactly is a trigger point and what causes it?
The technical name for what we commonly refer to as a “tension knot” is a trigger point. Meaning an area of highly irritated, sensitive muscular tissue, generally caused by restriction, repetitive strain or injury.
Our muscles are made up by groups of tiny fibers working alongside each other as important networks for blood flow, oxygen + biological materials that feed and assist muscles to contract, relax, build, repair and function on command from the nervous system (hello biology lesson here!). A trigger point can form in areas of muscular tissue that have become strained, inflamed or damaged. Creating a buildup of material and disruption of circulatory flow. In turn, the body creates an inflammatory response in an effort to clear the blockage and free up the strained tissue. Symptoms of a dull ache, heat, soreness and a noticeable tender area begin to develop.
The longer symptoms of a trigger point are ignored, the worse it can progress
A trigger point that is the result of repetitive irritation from postural strains and being out of alignment, will most likely move through cycles of inflammatory flare ups of discomfort, followed by compensatory restriction where symptoms may dull again. Over time, if the repetitive strain that’s causing irritation to muscular fibers isn’t corrected, the trigger point can rather surprisingly wreak havoc. Causing intense pain that may flood + refer to multiple areas and commonly a muscular spasm can develop temporarily restricting movement.
Massage therapists are experts at treating trigger points and helping you find relief
To become a Registered Massage Therapist you have to take a deep dive into education towards anatomy, biology, kinesiology and pathology. We learn how massage therapy instinctually works alongside our bodies systems, stimulating repair. We understand how massage works with our body’s immune system and biology, towards relieving symptoms of soft tissue discomfort naturally.
Trigger point therapy is one of the most rewarding (and fun) parts of my work as an RMT. It’s so satisfying to find these little trouble makers and work with a client towards finding relief, at times after one session! Though the trick is to not ignore your initial symptoms, so you can get ahead of avoiding a nasty flare up.
If you think you may be feeling a trigger point building up, be sure to book ahead!
You will never regret putting in the time for your self-care and listening to what you body is telling you it needs.
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