Keep your body + mind fine tuned with restorative deep tissue therapy
Therapeutic and focused massage therapy that goes beyond just the surface
Deep tissue massage is about result driven care by literally leaning in through multiple levels of tissues and depth using a creative mix of RMT modalities and techniques towards restorative repair, rehab + relaxation.
Sometimes we need a helping hand (or two!) to intentionally break our ingrained cycles of stress, discomfort + inevitable postural strains caused by our day to day lives. Deep tissue work can effectively rehab those stubborn areas of tension, pain and discomfort. Freeing us up from gnawing symptoms that can add to our feelings of stress, fatigue and teetering on burnout.
Feeling tight and uncomfortable doesn’t have to be your normal
Starting to feel that sticky, nagging tension and restriction in your back, shoulders and neck?
Is it becoming uncomfortable to to sit and focus at your desk for longer stretches of time without discomfort?
Does your hip or knee start to ache once you hit your stride hiking or running?
Is that tension headache coming back in the afternoons more often than not?
Massage therapy can create a shift in those unwanted symptoms towards getting you relief
Have you ever wondered why deep tissue massages work?
When deep tissue massage therapy is applied in treatment, the goal is to work alongside our internal systems, stimulating a natural repair process by creating intentional space for tissues and joints to realign, open and shift to a more optimal place.
Targeted deep tissue work helps to release layers of underlying tension, freeing restriction while adding fresh doses of healthy oxygen + nutrient rich circulation that replenishes stagnant tissues. Tight areas free up and the immune system gets to work on processing the changes leading to a decrease of inflammation + pain and a release of feel good endorphins such as serotonin and dopamine, creating sensations of deep relaxation and grounding.
It’s ok to fall off the self-care wagon, because it reminds us how good it feels to get back on it!
Life will always come with its inevitable ebbs and flows. Some weeks we’re in a good groove. Other weeks…not so much. And that’s ok! What’s great about massage, is it helps you hit the reset button wherever you’re at. Allowing your body and mind to reset as you rehab areas that need care.
It’s never too late to put yourself first and massage is a great way to get started again!
Just because we are working through different layers of tissue, doesn’t mean deep tissue therapy has to hurt.
At times, areas of increased tension and inflammation may feel a bit “spicier” then others, but the goal is for us to work within your comfort level of what feels therapeutic - not painful.
After a more deep tissue massage, clients often feel a bit like their head is in the clouds, deeply relaxed and in a sort of “dopey” like state. Enjoy! The sensation is temporary but the feeling of being relaxed and grounded can last for the day to days post massage.
You may feel in areas that got worked through more vigorously that you have be some tenderness + warmth. Muscles and joints may also feel more shifted + awake, which is your body processing the applied work.
How we process deep tissue work can vary. Tenderness post massage can last for a day to days post treatment, or you may not feel tenderness at all. It will depend what type of rehab is required to facilitate results and your personal comfort levels which will be discussed before more vigorous treatment is applied.
After a deep tissue massage, it’s always a great idea to make sure your hydrated. This is a simple way to help give your internal systems a boost as you process the applied work from your massage. Drinking water or yummy herbal tea also brings more oxygen and fluids into the body which can improve the quality of circulation. Helping you feel less tender and speeding up healing times.
Soaking in a warm bath or applying heat to areas of released tension will not only keep those good vibes of self-care and grounding going further but also continue to increase fresh circulation to areas worked through in treatment. It sure doesn’t hurt to add a heaping scoop of epsom salts to a warm bath to continue soothing and nurturing your muscles. Adding a bonus self-care to your already awesome massage!
Icing can also be applied to areas of post treatment tendonitis or sprain recovery. Such as after of focused frictions to forearm or ankle tendonitis where cooling the tendons with ice will help with tenderness in areas where chronic inflammation is present. This will be recommended as an option where appropriate but it you’re unsure, feel free to check in and ask!
If you want to really make the most of your deep tissue massage, it’s best to take it easy after and rest if you can. No worries if you have a workout session, hike or bike ride right after. But just like recovering after a heavy workout, it’s best to let your muscles and body process. ultimately creating a better opportunity to shift and heal. Even if it’s just a few hours post massage treatment.