Focused RMT care towards alleviating symptoms of jaw stress and discomfort
Any of these uncomfortable jaw symptoms becoming your new normal?
Tightness, pain or tenderness in or around the jaw and face
Clenching + grinding your teeth at night or during the day
Your jaw feeling stuck after opening or closing
Loud clicking + popping noises when chewing or opening your mouth or a feeling like you need to “clunk” your jaw to release it
Tension headaches around the temples and base of the head + neck
Just like how our bodies benefit from massage therapy towards the health and maintenance of muscles, joints, and tissues. It’s important our jaws get some love too!
Symptoms of TMJ (temporo-mandibular-joint) discomfort can become such a part of our everyday lives, as much as we try to push it aside, it may eventually become too loud to ignore.
By releasing tension through working the outer facial + intra-oral muscles, ligaments and soft tissues in and around your jaw. We’re supporting the opportunity for the joints to shift, mobilize, replenish with circulation and create intentional space for realignment and repair. If you struggle with TMJ discomfort, a maintenance routine of TMJ focused work could be a helpful outlet for relief and preventative care of spontaneous or chronic related jaw symptoms.
Facilitating mindfulness towards releasing anxiety + stress that may be tucked behind our underlying jaw issues
Do you ever notice that when we’re feeling anxious, hyper focused, stressed or upset, that we may have holding patterns for our emotions and stress in different areas of the body? Commonly, the jaw can take the brunt for our underlying feelings. Resulting in unintentional grinding + clenching. Unconsciously when we are asleep and unknowingly throughout the day.
In an effort to help release a holding pattern that may go beyond just needing a night guard. Massage can help mindfully shift our stress + emotions from holding on to processing, with mindful intent to do so.
Make the absolute most of your jaw focused RMT treatments with the addition of a grounding facial massage
A TMJ jaw treatment paired with a lovely, relaxing facial massage is not only a treat, but extra beneficial for further relaxation and treatment of the facial muscles around the jaw, head, neck + face.
Taking you to a new level of rest, recovery and relaxation
This is where we massage + release important muscles and tendons that are only reachable from inside the mouth + jaw.
Only after we’ve completed a detailed assessment and communicated an overview of the treatment with your consent. We work together, making sure you are comfortable throughout to safely release jaw stress + tension. Promoting space for release and realignment.
This technique can have incredible results towards relieving pain, clicking + locking of the jaw, often after one treatment session!
If you experience clicking + popping in your jaw, it may be a sign that you clench or grind your teeth or the TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) is out of alignment.
This causes the joints internal disc’s, which are meant to slide + glide back and forth in the joint with muscular contraction, become stuck and not track properly creating a “clunk” or “popping” sound when we open and close our mouths.
By targeting muscular tension and release of tight muscles in and around the jaw, face and neck. We give the joint an opportunity to shift, open + be replenished with fresh circulation. Also helping with mindfulness of stress, clenching + jaw stress, while promoting healing, realignment + self-care.
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